Basis Math Concept for determining when to start coding

  If your child doesn't have the following concept, please wait until he/she has the concept.
  When he/she who doesn't have basic math concept, they might lose the interest of Coding.

  1. Check if he/she has "Variable Concept"
    ex) num1=10, num2=20
    sum=num1+num2 , product=num1*num2
    What is sum? What is product?
  2. Check if he/she has "Range Concept"
    ex) num=10,11,12,13,14,15
    what is range of the variable "num"?
  3. Check if he/she has "Comparison Concept"
    ex) num1>num2
    which variable is bigger?
    which variable is smaller?
  4. Tell what is even numbers from 1 to 10
    Tell what is odd numbers from 1 to 10
  5. num=12
    What is factors of the variable "num"?
  6. num1=4, num2=10
    What is GCF? What is LCM?
  7. num1=4, num2=10
    What is GCF? What is LCM?
  8. What is square? What is cube?
  9. num=5
    Is the variable "num" prime? Why?
  10. Tell prime numbers from 1to 10
  11. How to calcuate average using variable "total"?
    ex) english=90, math=95, history=85
    What is total? What is average?
  12. candy=200
    Calculate 60% of the variable "candy"
